Thursday, July 2, 2020

Magic And Mischief

Magic & Mischief
Amy, a colleague from the college where I teach happened to mention living in Japan as a child for a few years while her father was working there back in the 1970s. Amy, her siblings and parents, would tape record messages and mail them, (Yes, snail mail!) along with some pictures to her grandparents back here in the states.  That was more affordable than an overseas telephone call at the time.

This is one of the many reminders of how different our world is from previous generations. Through the wonders of technology, we don’t think twice about making a phone call with someone halfway around the world. You can simply switch on your computer or smartphone to actually see that person or group of people, interacting with you. As I write this, I have two laptop computers (one for personal use, one for school) a tablet and a smartphone all on the same table. Not bad for a dinosaur!

The shrinking world played a specific role in the collection of talents that came together for the anthology “Magic and Mischief” which will be released on July 13.  Ten authors created their own paranormal novellas. (Some called it a short story collection, but seriously, 20,000 to 30,000 words ain’t no short story!)  In addition to several authors from the US, there are authors from Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

This was my first lengthy effort at the paranormal genre. This was also the first time I’ve tried a collaboration.  It was my pleasure to work with Elle Nina Castle, an up and coming new author, to bring our tale “Don’t Mess With the Gods” to life.  Elle has reluctantly agreed to be my featured author in the July newsletter, where you’ll get a chance to learn more about her and our modern twist on a classic fairy tale.  Elle’s a little camera shy and when I asked for a picture, this is what she sent me.

Whether you like e-books or print copies, this anthology is hefty. With nine novellas, that’s over six hundred pages, any way you slice it. You can pre-order your copy now, or mark your calendar for the release on July, 13.
Hmm. I wonder if it’s merely a coincidence that the anthology with paranormal stories is being released on the 13th?

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 It wouldn't be a post from me without music. Here's a classic from the late Roy Orbison. You may recognize a few of his back up musicians.

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